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Leaving Cambodia: I’m Packing Again

Oh Friday, another week swiftly slipping away, and unfortunately disappearing with it is our time in Cambodia. I came to this country knowing hardly anything about it, with no expectations, with one goal; to see Angkor Wat. I’m now a mere 12 hours from leaving, my heart is heavy and I have an utter feeling of sadness. I honestly didn’t expect to love this place as much as I do, and as I pack my backpack (again) in preparation for tomorrow’s departure I am enjoying the view of the Tonle Sap, there is thunder echoing in the distance and lightning is forking across the sky. How very apt…

I have seen a few blogs lately that discuss packing techniques, what to bring, how to pack savvy and what to leave behind. As I have been ‘on the road’ for just under two and a half years, constantly living out of my backpack, I thought I might weigh in a little and share my opinions on packing a backpack. I’m no expert, but hey, this could be a fun, informative and probably quite embarrassing.

I generally carry two bags, my backpack and my handbag, which at the moment is a cute little denim rucksack that I bought in Thailand for less than £1.00. The contents of my handbag is listed below….



Eye Drops (I get very dry eyes)

Bactroban  (I suffer with impetigo and get a breakout every few months)



Antihistamines  (bloody mozzys)

Menthol oil (see above)

Money purse (usually empty!)




Clips and a reliable hairband

Card purse

Notepad and pen (essential)

(Broken) Mirror

More make up


Loo roll (essential across the whole of SE Asia)

Phnom Penh guidebook

Hair clip


Handcream (the smell reminds me of home)


These are my clothes. All my clothes. I am the ‘mix and match’ boss!! They all fit incredibly comfortably in my backpack and I feel no guilt for carrying a hairdryer and straightener all through Asia. Although Kerry hates me.


A random mixture of bikinis

Jewellery bag


Fancy shoes

3 bras 7 knickers

Casual shorts and t-shirt

2 long skirts

3 dresses

12 tops (Eek! That’s more than I thought)

4 shorts

4 long trousers


I am also wearing my pyjamas and a pair of flip flops

This is where shit gets real. And heavy. My toiletries weigh more than I do and my bag of jewellery is forever growing. But I love tatty, cheap accessories, what can I say. Oh and it’s summer everyday which obviously means waxing, shaving, buffing, tanning and generally having an all round summer body. This takes work and a lot of chemical interference.



So there you have it, the contents of my backpack. It’s kinda funny to think that this is my life, that I’m incredibly happy with my 12 tops, 4 shorts and 3 dresses. For me it’s memories and experiences that bring happiness and the last 3 weeks here in Cambodia have been so awesome, so amazing and honestly I don’t wanna leave. But alas, tomorrow we are venturing onto pastures new, Ho Chi Minh City, I’m super excited, if you wanna follow my journey please check out Without_Cruelty on Instagram ✌❤

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