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6 Vegan Food ‘Fads’ That I Hate!

If you are anything like me then you’ll probably spend 99.9% of your time scrolling (mindlessly) through social media. Occasionally ‘liking’ things, ‘hating’ things or simply rolling your eyes at things…. sound familiar?

My social media weakness is Instagram: it’s where I look for inspiration, a cure for boredom and sometimes a good laugh (hummus memes anyone!) But recently it has become a source of irritation. Now, I’m not generally someone who likes to criticise other people’s choices, each to their own and all that, but please Vegans of Instagram stop posting pics declaring your love of Nooch, Quorn Fishless Fingers and Vego bars. Ugh, I know it’s probably been a while since you’ve devoured such treasures, but honestly, let’s face it, in reality, they’re all pretty gross!

Maybe it’s just me, but I find the above to be really (really really) horrible. And the list unfortunately doesn’t stop there. Here are a few other ‘Vegan Fad Foods’ that literally make me want to puke!

6. Cheeseless Pizza – I find this to be an exercise in pointlessness (yes that’s a word!) There are so many good vegan cheeses out there why not make use of them. And if not, then why wouldn’t you just order an Indian?

In Australia Dominos Pizzas all have vegan friendly bases, so obviously I tried them out….. I honestly should have opted for something else

5. Chia Pudding – I made this the first time I low carbed back in Australia. It was horrible, bitty, seedy and not nice at all. I understand that Chia is very good for you, just maybe not as a dessert. Oh and did I mention they take about 15 hours to set…..

It even looks a bit icky….

4. Coconut Bacon – I tried this about a year and a half ago in Auckland, NZ, and at first I was very excited. It looked nice, it smelt good and it was very expensive (usually a good sign.) But no, it was so bad I found myself scrubbing my tongue to get rid of the taste and after 2 litres of water I was still struggling to free my mouth of the foul, rancid taste.

OMG such bad memories!

3. Vego Bars – So calorific, so expensive and so sickly. Honestly, I’d rather just tuck in to an apple.

I’ll take an apple please

2. Quorn Fishless Fingers – I must admit when these first launched about a year ago I salivated. They sounded delicious and were a definite throwback to my childhood. However they did not live up to expectations and I couldn’t, wouldn’t, eat more than a single finger. Luckily Kerry liked them and finished the pack. In my opinion if you miss Fish Fingers I’d recommend Making Waves by V Bites, they are a billion times better!

I bought these in Tesco in Ireland and dropped a small fortune on them. Oh how I wish I’d invested my cash more wisely.

1. Nooch – This is my number 1 Faddy Food Hate of all time. Nutritional Yeast, Nooch, revolting, smelly, pile of feet, whatever you choose to call it, I hate it! It smells rancid, it looks like fish food and it’s sooooo expensive!! If I never have to see it on Instagram again, I’ll be throughly overjoyed! I tried it in a variety of ways hoping my tastebuds would welcome it in one form if not another. One of my attempts was on homemade popcorn but nope, give me salt any day 🙂

Now, I really don’t want to offend anyone with these opinions of mine, all of my experiences are personal to me and I’m just sharing my thoughts. I’d absolutely love to hear your opinion on the above foods or if there’s anything else you feel should be added to this incriminating list. Comment below or get involved on Instagram ❤✌

6 thoughts on “6 Vegan Food ‘Fads’ That I Hate!

  1. Very refreshing – and brave – post! I think often vegans face peer pressure to “go along” with all the current vegan trends and never criticize a vegan food. I, too, hate chia pudding. Another one on my list would be “overnight oats” … who wants to eat cold, soggy oatmeal? Finally, the Beyond Burger. To me and others with sensitive noses, it smells like a horrid mass of putrid chemicals. I think it’s ok for vegans not to like everything.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh you’re so right, I find that there’s so much pressure to like every new vegan friendly product that comes on to the market and sometimes it’s just impossible! A lot of supermarkets here in the UK have brought out new vegan ready meals and although convenient, I think they’re awful! Unhealthy, small and incredibly overpriced. A lot of people seem to love these but I honestly don’t see the appeal.
      I definitely agree with you about overnight oats, yuck! Porridge takes 5 minutes to make, why would you soak them overnight…. And the Beyond Burger and the other “Bleeding Burgers” they do not appeal to me at all, I’ll be sticking to tofu I think lol! Thank you so much for your comment, I really appreciate the support 😊😘

      Liked by 2 people

  2. This is a brave and accurate post! I can’t stand anything on this list either😫 And don’t get me started on all the people who eat gluten free without knowing what gluten is! I actually met a woman who decided her dog was gluten intolerant, her dog!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha, I’m pleased I’m not alone 😊 Everyone seems to be ‘gluten free’ these days and it’s usually very unfounded. Personally, I think the best thing you can do is eat a whole food plant based diet – no gimmicks, no fuss and no Vego bars! 😉 And as for the crazy dog lady, I’m at a total loss for words! 😂😂😂 Thanks for your comment, I really appreciate it!

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  3. Love this! I use chia only as an additive (to a bowl of oatmeal, for example); can’t imagine making a dessert out of it. Ick.

    I’m with you for Nooch, used here only with Italian dishes, in place of Parmesan (which is stinkier). My kids love the flavor boost to marinara .. and it’s fortified with B12 ya boot. Like ground flax seed, we work it in where we can.

    I’ve never been a fan of vegan ‘meats’ (why the obsession with a fleshy palate?), but once we discovered Beyond Meat, we started a once-per-week grill session of burgers and brats. So fun to watch meat-eaters enjoy meatless meals! Cheers, Maxine, and enjoy your summer. 😀


    1. Sorry Shannon, I meant to reply sooner, but ugh, life!! I don’t think we have Beyond Meat here (yet!) in the UK, but you’re so right – seeing meat eaters enjoy plant based foods is so great, especially when they can barely taste the difference, and meat alternatives are soo good these days!
      Thanks so much for getting involved and I hope you have an amazing summer too 🌞

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