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Camel Milk? Really?

I’ve read recently that camel milk is the newest addition to the ever increasing ‘superfood’ list and that many regard it as ‘white liquid gold’ and the ‘modern elixir of life’. Call me skeptical (or just pro-vegan) but I have my doubts.

The most recent camel milk farm to have lauched in Australia is situated in the Hunter Valley in NSW, it was established this year by Michelle Phillips, who, upon watching the culling of camels in Australia’s western deserts, was inspired to purchase 11 of these nomadic animals and start a dairy farm.


There are a lot of health benefits said to be associated with the consumption of both pasturised and unpasteurised camel milk. The latter is technically unfit for human consumption and cannot be legally sold in Australia, as Perth farmer, Chris O’Hara found out. He now sells the milk with a sticker across the front indicating that it shouldn’t be drunk by people! However, he claims that the raw, natural product is a lot better for you. Scientists apparently agree and are all for drinking raw camel milk. Other claims surrounding this milk stretch from being a cure for diabetes, as it has high levels of insulin and helping children with behavioral issues and autism. It also acts as a diuretic and can ease the symptoms of IBS and other allergy related stomach problems.


I’m not an advocate of inter-species milk, I don’t think it’s necessary and I feel that any health claims and benefits that milk is said to provide can be found in many less intrusive food/drink sources.

There are many foods that have been proven to help diabetes suffers and can help to lower blood sugar including vegan/vegetarian friendly options such as cinnamon, fenugreek, garlic, avocados, blueberries, cherries and vinegar.

It is widely reported that children with autism can benefit from a gluten and casein free diet. So excluding both wheat and milk proteins from the diet can help to relieve and reduce the symptoms of autism. These symptoms may include behavioral issues, social issues and gastrointestinal conditions. All varieties of dairy free milk including, almond milk, soya milk, rice milk, oat milk, coconut milk and carob seed derived milk are all free from caseins. Using almond milk as an example, here are some nutritional facts.

Camel Milk per 100 grams:

Calories 46, carbohydrates 4.6g, protein 2.8g, fat 1.9g and calcium 1.9g. It also contains a high amount of saturated fat.

Almond Milk per 100 grams:

Calories 16, carbohydrates 0.8g, protein 1g, fat 1.3g and calcium 83mg

I won’t be drinking camel milk any time soon as I don’t agree with it and because I know I can get anything it claims to support from a heathy plant based diet. Fruit, veg, tofu, nuts are among the obvious.

It saddens me to hear about the camel culls across Australia. Reports indicate that at the beginning of the cull in 2009, there were around 1 million feral camels. Now there are around 300,000 left in the wild, growing on average 10% per year. This so called ‘population management’ costs up to $50 per camel and there are currently no plans to reintroduce the cull.


I really wish that something productive could be done about this inhuman act of violence. I don’t think farming is the right route to take, surely there must be a better way to give these animals the freedom and respect they deserve.

For more info please see the below links

Hunter Valley Camel Farm on Facebook

Or even better read the Food Revolution by John Robbins!


It’s clever, informative and will make you wonder why you didn’t become plant based a long long long time ago! Click Here for More Info

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3 thoughts on “Camel Milk? Really?

  1. It’s so ridiculous! I’m happy that people are trying to save animals from culling, but this doesn’t seem like the right answer. Surely there’s a better way! As for the milk itself, lets leave it for the calves 🐫🐫


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