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Happy New Year! 2017, A Year of Gratitude

I would like to start this post by wishing everybody a Healthy, Happy, Prosperous New Year! Make 2017 your best year yet, shine, sparkle, embrace life and every one of its adventures, experiences and surprises!

January 1st is a day when a lot of people make a lot of resolutions that are all usually forgotten a few days later. Come on, we’ve all been there, resolving to cut out junk food, to stop biting our nails, to get our butts off the couch and go to the gym, only to make excuses and not follow through. This year I thought I would keep it simple. No strenuous exercise routines, no restricting diet plans, no unrealistic deadlines or timelines, just a good old positive attitude. See, simple! My New Years Resolution is to show gratitude for everything in my life. Sometimes you forget how important the things you have really are, focusing too much on what you haven’t got or what you want. I have decided that as of today I am going to be thankful for everything I have, big or small, the people, the challenges and the excitement!


If you too feel that you could show a little more gratitude in your life, then here are a selection of memes and inspirational quotes that may help you on your way!






For more inspirational quotes, food pics and travel fun please check out Without_Cruelty on Instagram ✌ ❤


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